If you’re looking for some free musical entertainment tonight, one entity in Jefferson has you covered.
Wild Rose Casino and Resort is having a free concert with 1990s rock band FireHouse. The band produced three albums in the 1990s and their first self-titled album, “FireHouse” had a single, “Love of a Lifetime” that was number three on the US music charts. Lead Guitarist Bill Leverty says three of the four original musicians are still with the band and he talks about the key to their longevity.
“With FireHouse you get a little bit of hard rock, a little bit of Americana rock and roll, you’ll get a little bit of funk, you’ll get a little bit of blues, we play a little bit of southern feel kind of stuff. So everybody gets to play a little bit of everything, which is what we like to do. So musically that’s kept us, I think, together for a long time is because we all like to play the stuff we play. On a personal level we all kind of have the same style of a personal life, we like to party a little bit (and) we were all raised by good parents, I would say. We all get along.”
Leverty believes that longevity continues to pay off and crosses over generationally.
“It used to be when we played in 1990 and 1991 the kids out there, who were about our age, were out there in the audience and it was great. Then it’s funny but those kids grew up a little bit and they have children, and so we’d see the kids and their parents out there. And now we’re seeing the kids, and the parents, and the grandparents out there (and) everybody’s tapping their toes to a song or two, and having a great time. And that’s what’s going to happen in Jefferson is it’s a family event. So bring the kids, bring the grandkids, come out, it’s a free show, and we’re just going to have a good time.”
The concert will be on the west side of the casino parking lot. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own seating and kids can also come along. The concert will be from 7-10pm and the Greene County Cattlemen’s Association will be a food vendor.