
The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board at their latest meeting passed their financing plan for the facilities master plan which now sets up a November vote. 

Superintendent Greg Dufoe says that by approving the financing plan they can now move forward with putting together a general bond election. Dufoe says that this finance plan will fund their projects in their 10 year plan that include a new high school building, high school athletic facilities, conversion of the DeSoto Intermediate building into a preschool, along with renovations and updates to the current Nile-Kinnick campus and a new transportation building. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that this finance plan will have three sources that will fund the 10 year plan. 

“The largest component is general obligation bonds. That’s property taxes and that will go to vote, we anticipate, in November or second is a sales tax revenue bond that would go all towards the high school. And that sales tax revenue bond is bonding against future earnings of our sales tax revenue. That’s not property taxes that’s accumulated statewide. Some people call it the statewide penny and then we’re also using some accumulated SAVE (Secure an Advanced Vision for Education) or sales tax revenue.”

Dufoe notes they are still working on getting the appropriate number of signatures to be able to call for an election in November. He adds that they will start their campaign in late August once they get everything into place for the election.