The 2023 Greene County Fair is done for another year and there was a lot that happened over the past week.
About 31 static exhibits with the Greene County 4-H’ers qualified for the Iowa State Fair next month. Additionally, there were 87 open class entries, which included adults. This year’s Greene County Fair Queen is Elise Badger. She talked about her initial reaction when she was crowned this past Wednesday.
“Well obviously I’m super excited. This has always been a dream of mine to represent Greene County and I just feel so blessed that I get the opportunity to represent Greene County at the state fair.”
Another highlight of the fair came on Sunday with the change of the Round Robin contest. Greene County ISU Extension 4-H and Youth Coordinator Samantha Hardaway said this year they involved all species of animals, instead of just livestock, and the winner was Treynor Cose. Hardaway expressed her gratitude for the families that support each of the 4-H’ers during the fair with all of their projects.
“Just a ‘thank you’ for participating in that and allowing your child to be a part of this program. I know it takes a lot of time, money, energy, blood, sweat, tears, whatever, but we appreciate you bringing the kids here and it’s a really impactful experience for them.”
The Greene County Fair wrapped up on Monday with the Junior Fair Premium Auction and over $32,000 was raised for the 4-H’ers with another $8,300 from the Friends of the Fair Incentive. You can check out all of the animal and static exhibit results from the fair by clicking here.