
picture courtesy of Dallas County 4H

The Dallas County 4H and Clover Kids announced a couple of award winners from last week’s county fair. 

They had two awards they gave away including the “Senior Award Winners,” which are given to high school graduates pursuing higher education or a trade school. ISU Extension and Outreach Regional Director Ann Torbert said they had four recipients which included Bailey Renner, Sam Greiman and Emma Foley. Torbert explained more details about this award. 

The senior award is available, or its funds, to be used towards could be materials for that first job out of high school. For you know, if you’re going to trade school and you need to buy electrical equipment, let’s say if you want to be an electrician that equipment is not cheap. If folks want to use it for college, or if, let’s say that first job, you want to go into the work world instead of going off to college or service and maybe you need some steel toed boots.”

They also announced Audie Carman as their 4-H Hall of Fame Winner.