
Hundreds of Greene County residents took advantage of a new property tax credit that was passed by the Iowa Legislature and signed into law earlier this year.

House File 718 allows for individuals who are 65 and older, and who own and live in their home since January 1, 2023, were eligible to claim a homestead tax exemption. According to the Greene County Assessor’s Office, 732 people applied to receive $3,250 of taxable value for the 2023 assessment year, and then that amount will double to $6,500 on the January 1, 2024 assessment year. The assessor’s office added that some applications were from individuals that either turned 65 or who will turn 65 this year and will be added to the exemption list for the 2024 tax year.

 Finally, once an individual qualifies, they no longer have to re-apply in future years.