It’s been roughly eight months since Guthrie County Attorney Dana Minteer was voted into office, and according to her, things have been running smoothly.
Minteer explains that since the beginning of the year, there’s been an unusually high number of cases but that she is glad to be able to get the experience that having so many cases brings. With so many cases though, she tells Raccoon Valley Radio that there has been an addition to the office that has been a lifesaver.
“We hired Zoee Risdahl as our Assistant County Attorney in February, and she has just hit the ground running. Taken over the magistrate docket, has done absolutely phenomenal, has had several trials on the magistrate docket herself, and has had some great successes. And she has been a really great asset to the office.”
Minteer states that one of the big things she was looking forward to was being part of the community, and feels that has been a source of pride for the office as they continue to get to know each other and the residents of Guthrie County. She adds that the amount of help she has gotten from the other county departments, along with just being able to work with them has been a highlight of her time so far.