July 7 th
0059 hrs, Kenny Molle requested an officer at 304 East Washington Street, for an
intoxicated family member. He officer mediated the issue and the subject went to
1034 hrs, Cindy Rowland advised of customers having an argument at her garage sale at
911 North Pinet Street. The officer advised Rowland to ask them to leave and not
return. The subjects left on their own before the officer arrived in the area.
1050 hrs, An officer performed a Funeral Escort.
1533 hrs, Cindy Rowland advised a neighbor’s dog was at her residence at 911 North Pinet
Street. The officer is working to speak to the animal’s owner.
1612 hrs, Bett & Bev’s BBQ reported a female patron was harassing a male employee in the
business. The female had left. The officer later spoke to the female and advised
her to end this type of behavior. She advised she would do so.
1957 hrs, Denny Ross reported motorcycles traveling on West Adams Street, at a high rate
of speed. The officer did not locate the reported vehicles.
2003 hrs, John Sturgeon reported fireworks near State and Lincoln Way Streets.
2018 hrs, Chase Hanson requested an officer at 600 South Wilson Ave. for an argument
with his mother. The officer arrived and split the two parties up for now, ending
the issue.
2230 hrs, A caller advised of Stray Dogs near Mulberry and 220 th Street. The owner
retrieved the animals. Ryan Tasler was issued a Citation for, “Animal at Large.”
July 8 th
0611 hrs, An officer removed debris from the roadway on the overpass.
1626 hrs, An officer arrested Luke Holinski, 26 of Jefferson at 1207 North Elm Street.
Holinski had an Outstanding “Probation Violation” Warrant through Greene
1654 hrs, Duane Holman reported an Abandoned Bicycle at 204 North Elm Street. The
officer placed the bike in Impound.
1758 hrs, Beth Villanueva reported her grandson had smashed items in his room with a golf
club and ran out the back door of the residence at 305 East Harrison Street. The
officer located the subject and returned him to his grandparents. The officer
transported the subject to ER for a Medical Evaluation.
1855 hrs, Er requested an officer for a Dog Bite. The officer learned the bite had occurred in
the county and passed the information to a deputy.
1904 hrs, Renee Bandurski reported a Barking Dog in the 500 Block of West Head Street.
The officer spoke to the owner, who advised he would remedy the issue.
2113 hrs, An officer responded to a Medic Alert Alarm in the 1000 Block of West
Washington Street. The subject was fine.
2332 hrs, A Traffic Stop in the 700 Block of South Walnut Street resulted in Sean Coil of
Jefferson being cited for, “Driving While Suspended.”
2346 hrs, Dispatch advised of an Open Line 911 Call from the area of 202 East Perry Street.
The officer did not locate anyone needing assistance in the area.
July 9 th
1158 hrs, An officer assisted deputies with an accident on 220 th , just west of M Ave.
1613 hrs, An officer assisted deputies with a female walking in front of traffic on 220 th
Street, near J Ave.
1939 hrs, Katie Taylor requested a Welfare Check on a family member at 1401 Woodland
Dr. The officer spoke to the subject, who was fine.
2327 hrs, An officer located an Open Door at 1108 North Elm Street.
2341 hrs, Ken Molle requested an officer at 304 East Washington Street for an intoxicated
family member. The officer mediated the issue and the subject went to bed.