
As Greene County continues to suffer from drought, one local garden expert is urging people to stay on top of making sure gardens keep looking plentiful.

Jean Walker with Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County recommends watering hanging baskets and gardens twice per day, with the most important time being in the early morning.

“You want to water in the morning so that moisture that might be on top of the leaves or whatever, evaporates before the evening, otherwise that can cause mold and other different things in your plants. If you get up and you have to be at work by 8 o’clock, just try to get it done before you go to work. (It’s) just better for the plants because then they’ve got that moisture to go through the day.”   

Walker points out hanging baskets are also very important to water twice per day.

“Especially if they’re in the hot sun because you water them and they kind of drain out, and they just dry up real quick. By the middle of the afternoon or evening, you might want to give them a drink.”

Walker adds to use mulch to keep moisture in for your gardens.