The Casey Public Library is set with many fun events this month, with help from many sponsors.
Today there will be a library lab where children and library staff will make a fun batch of foam called elephant toothpaste, then tomorrow at 2pm the Guthrie County Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will be in to read “The Way Home for Wolf” by Rachel Bright. Then on Friday from 1-6pm the children will be able to decorate bikes for the kids parade for Casey Fun Days, and on Saturday they’ll have a showing of “The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” and a giveaway.
Next week on July 10th, there will be a family story time at 3:30pm, with a magnet decorating class at the same time on Wednesday the 12th. The Guthrie County Extension will be back on July 13th with a yoga class at 2pm, and on the 14th there will be a class about creating comic strips or graphic novels at 3:30pm, and to finish off the first half of the month, there will be a Zoo to You event at 10am on Saturday July 15th.