
A new  mural was unveiled during a ceremony at the Raccoon River Valley Trailhead in Perry on Thursday.

The mural is a postcard that is painted across two different buildings by the artist Shawn Palek. The artwork reads “Welcome to Perry, Iowa,” and features images that are significant symbols of Perry. Organizer Jenny Eklund says It took two years and a grant from the Iowa Arts Council Creative Places for artist Shawn Palek to finish the “Welcome to Perry Mural Project.”

“This one took me two years to work. I worked on it for two years. And for us to see this day come, it’s a big deal in my world. And I’m very proud and I’m very proud of Perry. I’m very happy for Perry. I’m very blessed. The city let me use their building and I’m thankful for Perry Economic Development with Matt McDevitt’s leadership. Of course, Sven Peterson is the one that found the building for me. Our city administrator.”

After the ceremony was over there were draw names pulled to win t-shirts and gift cards to local establishments.