
The Stuart Chamber of Commerce has been busy since Good Egg Days according to President Katie Adams.

Adams says that in the week after Good Egg Days, the Chamber helped to host an Insider Tourism Meeting. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio what that means.

“Stuart was the host site for Travel Iowa and the Iowa Economic Development team to host professionals who are in the tourism industry. And that brought over 35 individuals from across the state of Iowa, as far as Pella, Mason City, Okoboji, Council Bluffs, (and) other towns. Brought them here to discuss the importance of social media when it comes to marketing your town and your community.”

Adams explains that the Iowa Economic Development team hosts these tourism meetings throughout the state, and that when they have the meetings, they plan for them to take place over two days. This allows those attending to visit the different places that the host town has that deal in tourism. Adams mentions that the meeting was held at the All Saints Cultural and Events Center June 20th and 21st.