The Jefferson Public Library has a free event happening later this week.
Library Director Jane Millard tells Raccoon Valley Radio they are hosting a Butterfly Gardening program on Thursday from 5-6:30pm at the Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County with Jean Walker. Millard says this is a companion program to last year’s Greene County Reads with “The Butterfly Effect” by Rachel McManus. Attendees will get to tour the gardens and learn how to attract butterflies onto their own property. Millard talks about the beauty of the gardens.
“It is beautiful and for those of us, like myself, that may not have green thumbs, it’s a joy to walk through there and have someone explaining what those plantings are, the beauty of the flowers, and Jean Walker is an expert, and she tried to pick the very best time of the year when things would be in bloom.
Millard points out that while the program is open to anyone, those individuals that participated in last year’s Greene County Reads will get a free flower. There will also be a door prize drawing for everyone that attends for two free tickets to Reiman Gardens in Ames. This program is sponsored by the Greene County Libraries Association and the Greene County Board of Supervisors.