The Perry Rotary Club recently presented their “Educator of the Year Award,” to a teacher in the Perry Community School District.
Rotary Club President Dirk Cavanaugh and Superintendent Clark Wicks honored teacher Jenny Adair with the annual award. Adair has spent 20 years in the school district and is currently a first grade teacher. Superintendent Wicks says that Adair is a dedicated and passionate educator and commends her ability to go the extra mile.
“She doesn’t just sit in the stands, she is at the concession stand, she takes kids to practices, (and) she takes other kids to practices. And she does it all with enthusiasm and a great deal of appreciation for the community of Perry and the Perry School (District). So, yeah, she’s a gem. And we’re very fortunate to have Jenny as our teacher of the year.”
Adair received the award at the annual Perry Community School District Staff Appreciation Event. There were also 43 other employees acknowledged for their service milestones.