The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
The Council approved two airport infrastructure grants of $597,270 from its entitlement funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and $304,000 from the FAA Bipartisan Law funding to be used to build a 100-foot by 100-foot hangar. The total cost of the project is over $1.1 million, with the Jefferson Airport Commission applying for another grant to pay for the project. Additionally, the Council approved the appointment of Matt Durbin as a volunteer firefighter and a $150,000 ten year economic development agreement for Corner View Properties for 100 and 102 North Wilson Avenue.
The Council also approved several change orders and pay estimates for various projects. The Council approved the second change order of a decrease of $13,451, as well as the sixth pay estimate of $7,505 for the Russell Street water main improvement project; as well as the first change order of a decrease of $14,212 and the third and final pay estimate of $16,081 for the sewer lining project; along with the certificate of completion to close out that project. The Council also approved the fourth pay estimate of $570 toward the pool house renovation project, with just the retainage to be released at the next meeting.