The Dallas County Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday.
The Board approved a couple of Administration Building Project bids including structural steel to PDM Precast for the cost of $1,299,500 and the site utility package to McAninch Corporation for the amount of $825,200. They also approved the MidAmerican design and work proposal to relocate the existing underground electric lines and the removal of overhead lines within the limits of the project before the construction commences. Then they approved the prequalified bidders for the Administration Building Project’s general trades as presented and the first guaranteed maximum prices amendment proposal at the price of $6,320,855.
The Board approved a tentative plan to establish a drainage district in the Sugar Grove Township, along with Homestead Tax Credit reimbursement to Joseph Ferezy for $347 and the abatement of real estate taxes to a city of West Des Moines property for $445.