The school year is over and the summer months have moved in.
Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center Superintendent Josh Rasmussen says that looking back on the school year, there were several things that the two districts that make up AC/GC wanted to work on, and were able to complete. He mentions that the biggest part of that was working on academics and making sure that the students were getting a quality education, and that the districts focused on math and science this last year.
Rasmussen tells Raccoon Valley Radio another important part of planning for the year was looking at the districts’s facilities.
“As far as our district operations, we really looked at our five year plan and tried to develop a plan for our facilities in both Guthrie Center and Adair-Casey. Both districts addressed that plan. We hired De Novo Construction Solutions, our Guthrie Center Board did. And we know we need to address the HVAC system at the high school. SO since then, we’re looking at replacing three air handling units at the high school there and also kind of have a plan to update a lot of those facilities around the district.”
Rasmussen adds that success in athletics and other extracurriculars was a bonus for everyone, mentioning that there was success to a high degree for all sports throughout the year, and adding the success of the musical and visual arts departments as well.