Now that the school year has come to a close for the new Greene County School District Superintendent, he has had time to reflect on his opening year.
Superintendent Brett Abbotts tells Raccoon Valley Radio he feels excited that his first year is in the books and there are a majority of goals he believes he has reached within his 150 day plan he previously presented to the school board. Abbotts points out one thing that he wants to consistently remember is what it was like to be a teacher and a principal as he gets his feet wet as a new superintendent.
“To know when to kind of push and pull, and when to just kind of hang back and not drive too hard, and give people a little bit of a break. Because while there maybe a lot of different changes that we can see on the onset, we want to be cognizant of not burning out our people too fast and just make changes slowly and gradually.”
Another thing that Abbots says continually amazes him is the level of community support there is for the district.
“There’s such a community investment in our schools, in our kids, and the community itself. The more that we can partner with our community and take advantage of that, to make it better for everybody, that’s what I’m really about.”
Abbotts adds what he’s most proud about coming off his first year as superintendent is three items, including aligning the district with the four priorities with academic excellence, recruiting and retaining quality staff, community relations and resource management; along with offering full time, four day preschool and expanding and promoting the career academy.