
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources is reminding people that head towards any body of water to celebrate Memorial Day to be safe. 

DNR Conservation Officer for Dallas County Dustin Eighmy says that many people will be kayaking, canoeing or floating down the Raccoon River system which can be dangerous if they don’t take the right precautions. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that people need to bring plenty of water, a way of communication and a life jacket. 

“The number one thing that can help save your life is a life jacket. And that’s probably one of my biggest pet peeves, is just making sure that everybody on board your vessel, or even an inner tube, or an inflatable, or a kayak or canoe that has a life jacket and not only has a life jacket in the boat, but wears it on the river. It’s going to save your life.”

Eighmy reminds folks that anyone under the age of 13-years-old must be wearing a life jacket at all times. Additionally, ee asks people to not consume alcohol while operating their water vessel.