
The Warren Cultural Center in Greenfield will be hosting a fun and interesting event next week.

Mentalist Lance Nicolai will be in town June 3rd, and perform at 7pm as the sixth show in the Warren Cultural Center’s Locals and Legends Series. Nicolai is one of the busiest performing mentalists in the state, and realized he had a special intuitive gift at a young age. He spent a few years teaching after graduating college, but then left the field to pursue his dream of reading minds, while leaving a positive impact on society as a motivational mentalist.

Nicolai uses different techniques, skills and intuition to figure out what a person may be thinking, guessing pin codes, birthdates and many more. Each show is different, because the people attending are different. While the performances are fully audience interactive, Nicolai ensures that no one will be made to look like a fool or is forced to participate against their will. Tickets for the event are $15 for adults, and free admission for students high school age and younger. Tickets can be purchased at the door, or on this website.