Tuesday, May 23rd
7:35am: Dan Cunningham reported a Stray Dog in the 500 Block of South Maple Street. The officer did not locate the reported animal.
8:10am: The Wild Rose casino requested a Welfare Check on a subject in the 600 Block of North Wilson Ave. The officer did not make contact with the subject.
8:49am: Juan Garza reported a broken glass patio door on a rental property at 706 North Cedar Street. The damage was estimated at $500.00. The officer is investigating.
3:48pm: A caller advised of an Animal at Large in the 400 Block of Rushview Drive. The officer recognized the animal and took it back the owner. Royce Gonnelly was issued a Citation for, “Animal at Large.”
3:55pm: Anthony Pille reported missing prescription medication from his vehicle, while parked at 105 South Olive Street.
4:55pm: A wallet was found and turned in the LEC. The Officer returned the wallet to the owner.
9:55pm: Abby Brase caught a Stray Cat at 912 North Maple Street. The officer placed the animal in the Animal Holding facility.
10:07pm: Jeanette Carhill requested assistance from an officer, as her child was refusing to get into the vehicle in the 600 Block of East Lincoln Way Street. The officer spoke to the youngster, who went with her mother.
10:42pm: Daniel Kernen reported the tailgate missing from his truck. An officer had located it earlier and placed it off of the roadway. Kernen was told where the gate was located.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.