Image courtesy of the city of Jefferson
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
The meeting started with a public hearing and eventual approval of the 2023 fiscal year budget amendments, with just over a $2.3 million increase in expenses and over $1 million of revenue increase as presented. The Council also approved two roof repair bids from Hawkeye Flat Roof Solutions of $37,985 for the city maintenance shop and $17,913 for an outbuilding near the wastewater treatment plant. Both projects will be using Local Option Sales and Services Tax (LOSST) funds.
Additionally, the Council approved a third pay estimate of $487,482 to Shank Constructors for work completed in April on the wastewater treatment plant improvement project, a temporary road closure for the west side of Rush Ridge Road on July 1st from 6-10pm for a private event hosted by Tom Heater, and another temporary road closure on State Street from Elm to Oak Street on June 25th from 2-7pm for a block party for the Central Christian Church and First Presbyterian Church.
The Council also approved the first reading and waived the second and third readings to amend an ordinance for this year’s Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) and a quarterly funding request for Greene County Development Corporation. They also heard an update from Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County. GCDC Executive Director Ken Paxton said Midwest Mission has moved into the former Aureon building in Jefferson and that the Greene County School District will hire a school employee to be the director for the new multi-cultural family resource center.