Photo courtesy of Michele Madsen
This week is National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week and the Greene County Ambulance Department plays an important role in the county.
Ambulance Director and Paramedic Michele Madsen says Greene County Ambulance is the only Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance in the county and she describes how much pride they take with that.
“Oh it’s important for positive patient outcomes. We need to be there as quickly as possible and we do try to get out the door. The state mandates a five minute window to be able to respond to 911 calls, usually we can get out the door in two minutes.”
In addition to responding to all 911 calls in the county. Madsen tells Raccoon Valley Radio that Greene County Ambulance also providing patient transports to other healthcare facilities, when part time employees are available; and they are on standby for larger events such as Bell Tower Festival, the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) and they are participate in the safety camp for kids entering kindergarten in August with the Jefferson Parks and Recreation Department.
Madsen points out her full time employees, consisting of paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians, work 24-hour shifts with 48-hours off, on a rotation; whereas the part time employees work 12-hour shifts, either the day or night time, whenever they are available. She shares her thoughts about her staff.
“Wonderful, wonderful people. We have a lot of years of experience under this roof. You will see a lot of familiar faces on this staff. We are all here because we appreciate serving our community, a lot of us grew up here. The folks that come in from outlying (communities) are people that are dedicated to EMS and the service, a lot of them are from surrounding areas. And they are as committed to taking care of the citizens here as I am and they understand how important that is to me.”
Madsen adds that there are two other EMT rescue units in the county, including Grand Junction and Churdan, and Greene County Ambulance responds to their calls, if needed, as backup. National EMS Week is May 21st-27th. The full list of employees with Greene County Ambulance can be found below.
Michele Madsen (Director)
Bethany Hauptmann-Critical Care Paramedic
Lacy Follett-Brubaker
Andy Hamilton
Jamie Brenner
Tyler Lux
Chad Jone
Mark Renslow
Rebecca Freeman-Advanced Emergency Medical Technician
Ryan Moranville
Dick Moranville
Logan Wolf
Danny Moranville
Chris Anderson
Rick Hamilton
Quinten Pote
Allison Powell
Cindy Thurman
Registered Nurse (RN):
Lori Harrah
Shelby Lietz
Sydney Schiltz
Heather Shipley
Abigail Skoglund
Rod Freeman
Chad Black
Levi Cloninger
Deana Shriver
Michael Wahl