A number of awards and recognitions were handed out at the Perry Community High School Senior Awards Night on Wednesday. 

There were 19 scholarships that were given to well deserving students that ranged from $100 to $3,000 . There were several organizations that contributed funds for scholarships including the Perry Elks Lodge, Perry Lions Club, Raccoon Valley Bank, Tyson, Hispanics United for Perry and Raccoon Valley Radio, among others. There were also scholarships given out in memory of several individuals who include Joshua Davis, Ronald E. Davis, E. Ruth Garren, Marry Waggie, Trent Miner, Tom Schleicher, Daren Stiva and six others. 

There were additional  special recognitions including eight graduates receiving The Spirit of a Bluejay Award and 13 students were given the National Association of Secondary School Principal’s Citizenship Awards. Additionally, seven seniors were recognized on the 2023 Heart of Iowa Conference Academic All-Activity Team. Every award and recognition will be linked here.fwseniorawardsnight

The commencement ceremony will be on Sunday, May 28nd at 2pm in the high school gymnasium.