The Perry City Council met on Monday.
The Council approved the fire department roster including Matt Hix as the new deputy fire chief of the Perry Volunteer Fire Department.
Then they approved a fireworks permit for J & M Displays, Inc, a resolution ordering bids, approving plans, publishing a notice for a public hearing at 6pm on June 5 the Towncraft Building for the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of costs for the Wiese Park Improvements and a resolution approving tax abatement applications for residential construction completed or to be completed in 2023 to promote new residential construction and renovation in Perry.
Finally, they approved a resolution authorizing the submission of an application for the Iowa Department of Transportation Airport Funding and the funds would be used to improve the terminal building at the Perry Municipal Airport. The Board tabled for another time, the application for the Department of Transportation charging and full infrastructure grant because the federal government extended the application period. The grant program would deploy public access to electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure in places people work and live.