
The Greene County Board of Supervisors met Monday in regular session.

During reports, Supervisor Pete Bardole talked about the Greene County Development Corporation Board discussing a new mult-cultural resource position last week. He said GCDC will be requesting funds for that position from the county, as well as the city of Jefferson, and the Greene County School District. The position has not been finalized yet.

Assistant County Attorney Laura Snider asked about a potential ordinance for people to use sidewalk chalk on the south plaza of the courthouse during Tower Tunes Live concerts this summer with the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower. The Board agreed that people can do art activities that are not permanent on the plaza, but that can be taken home with the participants.

Greene County Emergency Management Director Doug Hawn mentioned that he will be with County Zoning Administrator Chuck Wenthold to work on addressing the issues with the emergency response plan with NationalGrid Renewables on their permit for a solar panel project near Grand Junction.

The Board then proclaimed May as Mental Health Awareness Month with the theme of “Look Around, Look Within.” They also approved the retirement resolution for Karen White for her 31 years of service to the county and the sheriff’s office. Next, the Board approved a pre-construction agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation for a primary road project of an asphalt overlay with six intersections along Highway 30 from Ralston to Jefferson as presented. 

Additionally, the Board approved the second reading of an ordinance for the safety, health and welfare of the people of Greene County during the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) comes through on July 25th, along with waiving the third reading and final adoption of the ordinance. They also approved a $276,000 fund transfer from tax increment financing special revolving fund to the debt service fund for payment of principal and interest to the career academy bond debt. Finally, they approved to abate three properties of taxes as presented and reviewed the proposed budget amendment, ahead of the public hearing on May 30th.