The Perry School Board, at their meeting in May, took action to strengthen their school bus fleet 

Superintendent Clark Wicks says that the Board approved purchasing a 2025 77 passenger school bus for the price of $160,000 from Hoglund Bus Company. Wicks says that their fleet consists of 19 buses and they try to get a new bus every year, but it’s becoming difficult with the rising prices. 

“We do know that the prices are going up. I think they increased from about, oh, roughly around $110,000 to $112,000 to now it’s up to $160,000 for a bus. So we need to keep up with that, keep our transportation fleet in good stead and keep our transportation safe.” 

Wicks adds that they will be trading in two school buses including a 2007 Blue Bird 77 passenger and a 2013 IC 77 passenger school bus. He notes they also need bus drivers to fill routes so if anyone wants to apply contact him or the district.