
A bill currently sitting with Governor Kim Reynolds would make some changes to a staple from Iowa for general elections.

Iowa Senator for District 12 Amy Sinclair says that House File 716 claims that Iowa’s caucuses would stay caucuses. One of these changes would require that any voting for the caucuses needs to be done in person, at each party’s caucus sites. She adds why these changes need to be implemented.

“It’s important to Iowa, and it’s frankly important to the political process, to have a state like Iowa weigh in first on what’s going on in selecting our nation’s next president.”

Sinclair shares some information she came across that helps show the importance of the Iowa Caucuses.

“I was just reading an article over the weekend that talked about the top three from the Iowa Caucuses and the top three from the New Hampshire Primary, and the combination of those two. Since the caucuses began, there have been very few people become president who hadn’t won one and or both of those races. So making sure that those are in person so we remain a caucus is essential because if we don’t do that, then New Hampshire takes it all. We become a primary, and New Hampshire moves their date up.”

If the bill is signed into law, then it would take effect in next year’s caucus.