
The Bock Family Foundation awarded 23 grants to nonprofit groups in northern Dallas County Monday afternoon, giving out $76,445 in their spring grant cycle.

The largest grants presented included: $7,500 to the P.A.C.E.S. summer program, 7,500 also went to the Dallas County Hospital for a dialysis center, the Dallas County Conservation Board received $7,500 for their RRVT/HTT Connector Phase Six, $7,000 went to the Perry Area Child Development Center for scholarships and Perry Lutheran Home was awarded with $5,000 to go towards a whirlpool spa for residents.

Since its founding in 2002, the Bock Family Foundation has now awarded more than $2.4 million to local nonprofits.The grants are awarded twice a year, in the spring and fall, and the next deadline for grant proposals is September 1st. The full list will be available here.Recipients-Press-Release-Spring-2023docx