
Paton-Churdan School is hosting a play for the first time in several years.

Director Nicole Friess-Schilling says the 8th-12th grade students are performing “The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong” by Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer and Henry Shields. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio this is a play within a play, which is a comedy involving a murder mystery with actors from a school and keeping the show going.

High School senior Autumn Consier plays one of the main characters and talks about why she wanted to be a part of the play.

“I wanted to be in the play because it is something that our school has not had the opportunity to have in many, many years. I remember growing up and seeing my siblings performing in these plays and musicals, and it was something I was so excited to do when I got in high school. But I haven’t had the chance until this year. And so I was very excited when we found out that the play could happen, so I jumped to the opportunity to finally be able to live what I have always dreamed for.”     

Friess-Schilling says she chose this play because it is an audience pleaser because there’s lots of physical humor and general mayhem. She points out that P-C Principal Annie Smith approached her about doing a play, after she had directed the middle school musical last year. Friess-Schilling believes students who do plays and help backstage gain lots of life experiences such as learning to work with a group, developing public speaking skills, and critical thinking. 

The play is Saturday at 2pm and 7pm at the P-C School. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students, which can be purchased through the main office or at the door on Saturday. Check out the full cast list below:

Autumn Consier, Ella Tasler, Cat Hobbs, Blaise Schilling, Calleigh Fitzpatrick, Trevon Keely, Anastasia Hobbs, Ava Minnehan, Kaliyah Minnehan, Alivya Smith, Wesley Fiedler, Mia Russell, Becca Anderson, Maggie Reed, Landon Vote, Bridget Hobbs. Student director/stage manager: Bailey Anderson