With it being Extension Week next week, Greene County ISU Extension has several activities planned.
To kick-off the week on Monday is a Career Exploration Class for Culinary for 1st-3rd graders, which is completely full. Then on Tuesday will be a “Building an Herb Garden” class that is led by ISU Extension Ag Specialist Mike Witt with two sessions available, including 10-11:30am at the Extension Office in Jefferson and 1-3:30pm at the Churdan Library. Each class is $15 per person.
Wednesday will be a Taco Charcuterie Board from 5:30-7pm at the Extension Office. The boards are made by the Greene County High School woodworking class and the cost to participate is $15 with all materials included. Then on Thursday is the 4-H $20 Challenge Workshop where 4-H’ers will get to purchase clothing from ShineOn Designs in Jefferson with the overall goal of preparing an outfit to present at this year’s Greene County Fair. Extension 4-H and Youth Coordinator Samantha Hardaway talks about how this category has grown in popularity.
“So with this workshop last year we had 18 girls involved and so that was 18 projects that were brought to the fair more so than the year prior. And then with that we also have people that don’t attend this workshop, you do not have to attend this workshop in order to participate in this project, but by participating in this workshop you will leave with your project ready a couple of months before fair, which isn’t common.”
Friday rounds out the week with a Java and Juice program from 9:30-10am at the Extension Office. This is in partnership with Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community to learn more about Greene County Extension. Extension Director Lori Mannel explains how they decide on the topics to cover during Extension Week.
“We try to pick areas of Extension so that’s Ag and Natural Resources, that’s Youth and 4-H programming, that’s Human Sciences when we’re working with food, and then Community Development. So that, we like to highlight all the areas, and we also see what people have asked for, what seems to be popular with our partners in other counties. We always try to make it something fun and unique that we think people would enjoy.”
Mannel hopes everyone enjoys and participates in something during Extension Week next week. You can contact the Extension Office at 515-386-2138 to sign up for an activity.