The Dallas County Supervisors met on Tuesday.
The Board approved to award the bid for the Pioneer Avenue Bridge Project that is located in between Bouton and Minburn to Dickson Construction Company for $512,000. Engineer Al Miller says the bridge is structurally deficient and is having erosion problems.
The Board, after a public hearing, approved the resolution for the maximum property tax dollars certified for the levy for the general and rural county services. The maximum property tax dollars represented in the general county services for fiscal year 2024 did receive a 2-percent increase while the rural county services did not increase more than 2-percent. They also approved the geothermal well and conductivity test agreement for the construction of the Administration Building with Thorpe Contracting for the cost of $5,600. Finally, they approved a public hearing at 9:15am on April 11th for the five year construction program and they set a public hearing at 9:15am on April 18th for the secondary roads fiscal year budget and presentation. Both public hearings will be held at the supervisors building.