Funeral services for Ashleigh Lynn Merical, 25, of Adel, will take place at 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 24, 2023 at
the funeral home. Burial will follow in the Oakdale Cemetery. Visitation will be held on Thursday, March 23, 2023 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Caldwell Parrish Funeral
Home, McCalley Chapel in Adel. A memorial account has been set up forthe family at Raccoon Valley Bank. Please make any checks out to the Ashleigh Merical Memorial. If you
would like to send flowers, the family asks to send her favorites of wild flowers and succulents. Online
condolences may be left at www.caldwellparrish.com
Ashleigh is survived by her father, Jack Merical; mother, Mona Mangiagli; significant other, David Little;
sisters, Kaitlyn (fiancé, Ryan) Feenstra and Kassidy Merical; brothers, Jackson Merical and Sammy Lund;
her dog, Scout; nephews, Wesley Feenstra and Thomas Sudbrock; maternal grandmother, Georgia
(Cory) Hainline; paternal grandparents, Jack and Glenna Marical; and many extended family.