
The Adel City Council met on Tuesday

The Council approved a fundraising request from the Adel-DeSoto Soccer Club for their soil quality restoration project on the fields in and near Island Park for the amount of $8,500. They also approved a three-year lease agreement amendment between the City of Adel and the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Youth Football to use Kinnick-Feller Field and a three lease for the Adel-DeSoto Soccer Club to use Island Park soccer fields.

The Council next approved a bid for close to $50,000 from Schwinger Lawn Service, Inc. & SLS Tree Management to remove 92 ash trees and six stumps and they approved an administrative clerk job description along with accepting High Service Pump Building project that was completed in 2022,  lease space on the City’s North Water Tower for wireless antenna service to Satellite Center, preliminary and the final plat of Southbridge Plat 9 that was reviewed by the planning and zoning commission and an engagement letter with PFM for the cost of water production analysis on the city’s water department.