
A fundraiser is happening on St. Patrick’s Day to support this year’s fireworks display during Rippey Fun Daze.

Mayor Dan Brubaker says this Friday starting at 5pm at the Rippey Community Room will be an Irish stew meal with rolls and a beverage for a free-will donation. Following the meal is a pie auction at 6pm and bingo at 7pm. He asks that anyone who wants to enter a pie for the auction should arrive by 5pm with the kind of pie and the baker’s name on a card. Brubaker invites everyone to their fundraiser meal.

“By doing that you’ll help support the (Rippey) Fun Daze committee and having a bang up fireworks display. We’re going to have a fun-filled evening with a good Irish stew meal, a pie auction, and bingo. So that should make us have a really good fundraiser.”   

Brubaker adds there is also a meat bundle raffle happening now until April 8th. There is a raffle to win four ribeye and t-bone steaks, four minute steaks, two arm roasts and two rump roasts, along with ten-pounds of ground beef for $10 per ticket. All proceeds from the raffle will also benefit the fireworks display for Rippey Fun Daze.