The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session today.

The Board will consider for approval a payroll change notice and two new hires as jailers, before considering for approval a resolution approving fiscal year 2023-24 annual salary for county elected officials. They will then set a maximum property tax levy public hearing for the fiscal year 2023-24 budget.

The Board will also hear department updates from County Conservation Director Brad Halterman and County Engineer Josh Sebern. During Sebern’s report, they will also consider for approval two temporary easements, and the annual bridge postings resolution. The Board will then hear from Human Resources Director Jamie Lindsay and consider for approval a new version of the Guthrie County Employee Handbook.

The Board will review and consider for approval the national opioid settlement, before discussing and taking possible action on a proposal from Guthrie Center about repairs to Grand Street. The meeting will start at 9am and take place in the Board of Supervisors room in the Guthrie County Courthouse. For those unable to attend in person, there is a digital option here. Raccoon Valley Radio will have results from the meeting tomorrow.