Recently Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds introduced a bill aimed at restructuring the executive branch in the state.
District 12 Senator Amy Sinclair says that she hasn’t had time to finish reading the bill, as it’s a long one, but that she does see merit in what the Governor is trying to do. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the bill would help cut some costs in the state budget.
“There are currently 513 vacant positions that would just be eliminated in this restructuring. In 2023 alone, it would save over $18 million, it’s estimated, just from those vacant positions being eliminated. Nearly $3 million of that from the general fund of the State of Iowa, which is the real impact on what income tax and sales tax payers are paying. And then an estimated total alignment savings over four years, so the long run would save over $214 million, and that’s using conservative estimates of what these savings would realize.”
Sinclair adds that the bill would also consolidate the 37 cabinet members for the state to just 16, something that has many people worried. She states some concerns she’s heard are that the Governor may end up with inexperienced or unqualified cabinet members, or that an echo chamber could be appointed. Sinclair advises that both concerns are valid, but they’re something that can happen now as well.