Thursday, February 23rd
4:24am: An officer responded to an Alarm Activation at 300 American Ave. He was met by an employee, who advised all was fine and the alarm had been reset.
5:30am: Dispatch advised of a 911 Hang Up Call in the southern part of Jefferson. The officer did not locate anyone needing assistance in the area.
7:14am: Kelli Weigum requested a Welfare Check on a subject in the 1000 Block of South Elm Street. Before the officer’s arrival, she called back and advised she had made contact and the subject was fine.
10:33am: An officer issued Chad Stevens of Jefferson a citation for, “Permitting Unauthorized Person to Drive. The citation was in connection to the call at 106 West Washington Street on 02/22/2023, where a subject walked away from a vehicle and left it blocking the fuel pumps.
11:48am: An officer responded to an Alarm Activation at 307 South Wilson Ave. The officer spoke with an employee, who advised all was fine.
2:23pm: Casey’s reported a male subject, parked at the fuel pumps, who appeared to be passed out. The officer spoke with the subject, who refused medical care. The subject was allowed to go on his way.
2:48pm: Renee Schafer advised an elderly family member had walked away from their residence in the 600 Block of North Locust Street. She was concerned due to the cold weather conditions. Officers began searching for the subject and located him at A&W eating dinner. The officer provided him a ride back to his residence.
4:31pm: Rebekah Delgado requested a Welfare Check on a subject in the 900 Block of North Maple Street. The officer located the subject, who appeared to be fine.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.