The Panorama School Board met in regular session Monday night.
Superintendent Shawn Holloway says that the board started with discussion on the 2023-24 Master Calendar, then discussed the north lot and athletic field lot, which are currently still gravel. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that those two areas could have concrete in the near future.
“It just started as ‘Well it would be nice to have concrete there. Can we figure out what that might cost?’ So Greg Randall, who organizes our outside projects, has worked with some local concrete companies and got kind of a rough estimate. But really through that process, I think what we realized is it’s a big enough project that we’re going to need to secure the services of an engineer to make sure we’re moving water where it needs to be and those types of things. And so next steps there will really just be to find an engineer to work on that project for us before we go further.”
Holloway mentions the Board also reviewed the list of summer projects, including renovation of the baseball and softball fields. The Board then tabled a decision on the resolution to redistrict director districts, as there were some discrepancies with the school district’s overall border.