The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday in regular session.
The Council approved hiring Joe Foote as the new golf course clubhouse manager for $34,000 for an eight month contract, awarded the lone bid from Tallgrass Land Stewardship of Waukee for $108,905 for the City Hall entrance improvement project, an agreement with Construction Materials Testing of Des Moines for $28,427 for construction material testing for the wastewater treatment plant improvement project, and a resolution supporting art improvements for the west alleyway project on the downtown square with Jefferson Matters: A Main Street Chamber Community. Jean Van Gilder with Jefferson Matters told the Council they needed a resolution of support from the city to apply for grants for their project.
The Council also approved the first reading to amend an ordinance to establish a new animal shelter board. Additionally, they waived the second and third readings for final adoption.
Council member Harry Ahrenholtz mentioned that during the Greene County Development Corporation Tuesday, they talked about a new multi-cultural resource position with a possible candidate from Storm Lake. The meeting ended in a brief budget workshop for the 2024 fiscal year.