
The Dallas County Conservation Board will gather people to create a deeper connection with the Iowa night skies. 

The “Stargazing and Winter Constellation Stories,” will be a program that will explore the night skies from 7 to 8pm on February 16th in Kuehn Conservation Area. Outreach Coordinator Sarah Gilchrist says that there is supposed to be a clear sky Thursday to learn more about the night sky. 

“You can learn about constellations and the different stories that are back behind those constellations, how they’re named and where they came from, and then actually really know what you’re looking at when you look up at the night sky. Something past the Big Dipper, which is kind of a common one. But what else can you learn about looking at the sky?”

Gilchrist also says that participants will learn how to build and read a star chart and measure distances in the sky to assist with locating and identifying constellations. There will be two more Stargazing and Winter Constellation Stories on February 21st and on March 9th at the same location and time. Registration before the event starts is required using the link here.