With the NFL’s big game being this weekend, many people will be watching and celebrating.
Iowa State Patrol District 4 Resource Officer Trooper Shelby McCreedy says that with all the festivities going on, Iowa State Patrol is increasing their presence in order to make sure that everyone is safe. She adds that specifically, the number of impaired drivers increases on the day of the big game, but they will be watching out for any traffic violations. McCreedy tells Raccoon Valley Radio why it’s important for them to be out during the weekend.
“Obviously, Super Bowl Sunday is a day where people get together and they celebrate the end of a football season. If their team is in the Super Bowl, obviously they’re invested in the game and like to watch with friends. And so we just want everyone to be safe, to take extra measures to ensure that they get home safely, (and) that everybody else on the roadway remains safe. And to do that, we do put additional personnel on the roadway.”
Guthrie County Sheriff’s Deputy Jesse Swensen echoes McCreedy’s sentiment, and advises that the Sheriff’s Office will have an increased presence as well.
“We will be enforcing traffic laws on Super Bowl Sunday. We advise people to please don’t drink and drive. Please have a designated driver. You might not know, you might think you’re okay to drive, but alcohol can definitely impair someone quickly and impair their judgment and their thinking. So please have a designated driver, but have a safe and fun Super Bowl Sunday.”
Trooper McCreedy advises that while the State Patrol will be on the lookout for any impaired drivers, as well as watching for other dangerous driving habits, like excessive speed, deviations from the traffic lane and seatbelt usage.