
Two bills are making their way through the Iowa House Education Committee that would bring parents back into the loop on things going on at their children’s schools on all subjects.

Iowa House Representative for District 23 Ray Sorensen says that one of the bills would prohibit lessons or curriculum from teaching gender ideology or sexual orientation to children in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Sorensen tells Raccoon Valley Radio about the schools in his House District.

“Not to my knowledge, but I get emails from all over the state. I know, for instance, pornographic, gender and sexual orientation books, many that are very extreme and meant for adult eyes only, have been found in schools in my House District. I’m not going to call them out here. I know they’re being flagged by concerned parents, and I know there’s government oversight coming up. And my hope is that administrators act according to age appropriate material for their school libraries. But again, for the most part, schools in House District 23 are doing a great job.”

Sorensen adds that there have been many instances and reports of this kind of explicit material being found in school districts across the state, and that parents are fed up about not having their voices heard on many subjects.