
The Perry City Council met on Monday. 

The Council approved setting a public hearing for February 21st for the maximum property tax dollars to certify the levy, a service agreement with Drees Company for a bi-annual inspections for the McCreary Community Center, Perry Public Library, Carnegie Library and City Hall for $10,400 and they approved authorizing the destruction of specified documents by the finance officer and city clerk. 

The Council approved the request for emergency and maintenance replacement of three digester blowers at the Wastewater Treatment Facility for $153,000 from Woodruff Construction, authorized the sale of discarding of the library bookshelves and the intent to dispose of unclaimed bicycles found by the Perry Police Department. Finally, they adopted a Hazard Mitigation Plan that was prepared by the Dallas County Emergency Management Agency.

In Old business, the Council approved to have Christina Silva and Miriam Cruz are recommended for award to operate and manage the Caboose Park concession stand and the Wastewater Treatment Facility
Improvements pay application for $800,000