
2023 Greene Co Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees

Off the heels of another successful Greene County Athletic Hall of Fame induction that happened earlier this month, the school district is looking to start a new venture.

Activities Director Dave Wright says they are going to start a Fine Arts Hall of Fame.

“We’ve had a lot of successful musicians, and people that had been involved in the fine arts that have gone on to do great things. We just think it’s important to recognize that part of our school activities as well.” 

Wright points out that this was the brainchild of former AD Todd Gordon and Choir Director David Heupel.

“Mr. Heupel had gone through and basically kind of took the perimeters or the criteria for the Athletic Hall of Fame and adapted to the fine arts. So that was kind of in the background and I’m like, ‘Yeah I think this would be good.’ We kind of talked whether we would co-op it with the Athletic (Hall of Fame) but we thought that recognizing the fine arts people at a fine arts activity would be better.”  

Wright says the Fine Arts Hall of Fame would be for alumni that were in speech, drama, and instrumental or vocal music. He adds the plans are to celebrate the first induction class during the music awards concert in May.