
Tonight is the night for a fundraiser supper hosted by the Stuart Police Department Community Programs (SPDCP).

Stuart Police Sergeant Katie Guisinger says that the fundraiser is a free will donation spaghetti supper, along with a pie auction. All funds from the supper and auction will go to SPDCP, which is a non-profit 501(c)3, to help fund transportation, tickets, food and drinks for all the events that they will do over the summer, and helping to keep costs to the children and their families as low as possible.

Sergeant Guisinger mentions that this summer, children will get to go to an Iowa Cubs game, Springbrook State Park and Blank Park Zoo. The SPDCP also accepts donations year round, so if there are individuals that would like to donate, but can’t make it to the supper, they can still donate by contacting Sergeant Guisinger at her email listed below.

Sgt. Katie Guisinger: