St. Patrick’s School is participating in National Catholic Schools Week this week with many activities.
Principal Kandice Pattillo says that this year’s National Catholic Schools Week is from January 28th through February 3rd and they will have a dress up theme for each school day. Pattillo explains today will be crazy socks day and a donation of new socks can be made to the clothing closet, on Tuesday the concept will be dressing up as 100-years-old or wearing 100 items, Wednesday will celebrate the nation with red, white and blue colors, Thursday will be career day and Friday will be staff, faculty and volunteers and students can dress like their favorite teacher. Patillo describes what National Catholic Schools Week is all about.
“It’s a way for us to celebrate being a catholic school and what that means, and the various aspects of that. But it’s also used to share with the community and appreciate everyone that helps support us and the kids get really excited.”
Pattillo compares it to public schools having homecoming week where they celebrate all the great things that happen in the school district.