
Photo courtesy of PC School District

Paton-Churdan School is celebrating next week with a fun program.

Snowcoming Week begins with a coronation ceremony in the gymnasium tomorrow at 4pm for the crowning of the king and queen. The queen candidates include Tarynn Fisher, Autumn Consier, Paige Teeples, Emma Bevar, Bailey Anderson, Emma Stream and Kyann Folwer. The king candidates are Jacobs Brus and Shaydon Thurman. Following the ceremony will be a free showing of Disney’s “Tangled.” 

Then it’s dress up days next week with Monday as “Disney Day” to dress up as your favorite Disney character, Tuesday will be “Sleeping Beauty” with pjs, Wednesday students and staff are encouraged to dress up in college gear for “Monsters University Day,” Thursday is “Marvel Day” with superheroes, and Friday is “Mickey and Minnie Day” where the different classes can wear their designated colors. 

Additionally, during the home basketball games  on Thursday is “Frozen Night” as a white out and Friday fans can wear Rocket gear for Spirit Night during the home varsity basketball games. The P-C Student Council is also doing a Penny Drive all this week to raise money for future activities. The winners of the Penny Drive will get to throw a pie in the face of a staff member next Friday.