The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
The Council held three public hearings. The first one was on the maximum property tax levy for the 2024 fiscal year. City Administrator Mike Palmer said they are anticipating an increase of 1.56-percent, which was under the two-percent threshold for the Council to vote by a super majority. The Council then approved the resolution, following the hearing. The second hearing was on the plans and specifications for the city hall main entrance improvement project that was estimated to be under $95,000, which the resolution was then approved following that hearing. The final hearing was a status of funded activities for the upper story Community Development Block Grant at 123 North Chestnut Street. The project was to improve six rental units was about 50-percent completed.
The Council then voted 3-2 to not allow to move forward with drafting an amendment to an ordinance to allow all-terrain vehicles within city limits. Council members Dave Sloan and Darren Jackson voted to move the measure forward and Council members Matt Wetrich, Pat Zmolek and Harry Ahrenholtz voted against it.
Additionally, the Council approved the third and final reading to amend an ordinance to increase sewer rates to 15-percent, approved the 2023 annual appointments to certain city positions, set February 14th as the 2024 fiscal year budget workshop, a service agreement with ICE Technologies for $575 per month for office software and technology services, and an agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation for $1.5 million for the Jackson bridge replacement project. They also approved an addendum for engineering professional service agreement to not exceed $4,800 of additional expense for the Russell Street water main improvement project, a service agreement with Bolton and Menk for the construction phase of the wastewater treatment plant improvement project, and agreed to move forward with establishing an ordinance to create an animal shelter board.
The Council also voted 4-1 to purchase property at 105 East Adams Street for $25,000. Dave Sloan was the lone no vote because he had concerns with the amount of money being spent to purchase the property, without demolition or asbestos costs factored in. Building Official Chad Stevens said payment for the purchase is covered through a grant and part of a donation that was made by a private citizen.