

On Saturday state legislative representatives for Adair County met with their constituents in Greenfield.

Iowa House District 23 Representative Ray Sorensen and Iowa District 12 Senator Amy Sinclair held a public forum and answered questions from the public. Constituents asked about State Supplemental Aid, funding for public health, staffing issues in the healthcare industry and broadband internet issues in the state.

Representative Sorensen tells Raccoon Valley Radio how it felt to hear from everyone that was in attendance.

“I mean, it’s great. I always want to get in front of people. That’s why you go to the grocery store, and that’s why you come to the forums and go to school events. You want to hear from your constituents.”

The forum was conducted very well, though towards the end when education came up, passions ran high, and many people ended up trying to talk at the same time. Legislative forums like this past Saturday will be held throughout the legislative session.