The Perry City Council at their latest meeting approved a land acquisition agreement for their Iowa Street Stormwater Wetland Project.
City Administrator Sven Peterson says that the city found it in the best interest to purchase the 4.23 acres of land from Jon Peters for $112,000 which is located on Iowa Highway 141 and east of 26th Street. Peterson says that this second parcel of land they purchased is designed to collect stormwater drainage. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that there’s a lot of moving parts to this project.
“(Phase One) We acquired about nine acres between Iowa Street and Highway 141. It’s usually a pretty wet area there and we have a master plan for a whole wetland complex. There’s about four and a quarter acre field right there behind Super 8 that we’re acquiring. And it’s kind of an additional phase of that stormwater management area that we’re working on. So all that’s left is a little easement, hopefully from Perry Economic Development to get to Willis to be able to have an outlet for all of that.”
Peterson says that funds for this project will come from the State Revolving Fund Sponsored Project and a local match from the Stormwater Fund. He says hopefully they will have it out to bid in March for the storm water drainage portion of the project.